23 September 2012

Getting to know this person will change your life

This evening at church I saw a bunch of people, most of whom I don't know personally, get baptised. I cried with joy for every one of them.

One of the greatest testimonies to the death, and more importantly the resurrection of Jesus Christ, is that to this day, everyday, people are still having life changing encounters with Jesus, drastically reconsidering the way in which they see the world, and choosing to live life anew for Him.

For some, they aren't necessarily looking for God. Others are sure they know what they are doing already. Others entertained the idea of God but were never dedicated to seeking Him out.

But when you feel God touch you, and let me tell you that you KNOW when God has spoken to you personally...you can't simply deny His existence.

Of those that got baptised this evening, one gave their life to God last week. Another had waited seven years to do it. Another had been raised in a religion, but finally found relationship with God personally.

You can't argue that these people became Christians because they were really looking for 'something' and this seemed to fit. You can't argue that these people became Christians because they were forced to. You can't argue that these people became Christians because they were desperate for some semblance of hope.

What you can say, is that something supernatural, someone supranatural, touched these people and opened their eyes to something more real and more relevant than life itself.

These people had life-changing encounters with the one, true and living God.

Get to know Him. It will change your life for the better.

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